-Stage 1.4-
Igneous Rocks
Definition - Igneous rocks form from the solidification of molten rock (AKA lava or magma)
Lava - molten rock above the ground surface
Magma - molten rock below the ground surface
Igneous Rocks
There are 2 types of Igneous Rocks
Intrusive - (Plutonic) Rocks formed from molten rock Inside the Earth's crust. They cooled slowly, allowing the crystals in the rock to form larger. The slower the rock cools the larger the crystals.
Extrusive - (Volcanic) Rocks formed from molten rock on the External surface of the Earth. They cooled quickly, preventing larger crystals from forming. The faster it cools the smaller the crystals.
Understanding Bowen's Reaction Series
Minerals at the top crystallize first as the magma cools
These minerals then fall to the bottom of the magma chamber
The remaining magma is then more rich in lower temperature minerals (i.e. magma that will stay liquid for longer)
Minerals on the bottom crystallize last within the spaces left between already crystallized minerals
This generally applies to Intrusive Igneous Rocks only because Extrusive Igneous Rocks cool too quickly
Discontinuous - Means that when the temperature of the magma cools enough the cooler temp mineral starts to form
Continuous - Means that the minerals that form have a variety of chemical combinations that form depending on the temperature all with similar chemical properties (i.e. all are plagioclase but they mainly range from dark (Ca) to light (Na))
Definitions Used for Identification
(Click on the images for a larger image)
Visible Crystals:
Pegmatitic - This is when the crystals in the rock are larger than 1 cm across. This is the most common type of rock where gem stones are found due to the large crystal size.
Non-Visible Crystals:
Porphyritic - This is when the background are not visible but there are large crystals "floating" in the mass
Vesicular - This is when the rock contains lots of air holes, causing the rock to be lighter then usual
Pyroclastic - This is when the rock forms from angular pieces of other rocks in a aphanitic matrix (similar to porphyritic but larger/angular crystals/ rock chunks)
Felsic - "light" rocks, contain light colored minerals (Also low temp minerals See Bowen's Reaction Series above) (quartz, Potassium feldspar, micas)
Intermediate - A mixture of felsic and mafic, "salt and pepper" "light and dark" (Potassium feldspar, Sodium Plagioclase, Biotite, Amphibole)
Mafic - "dark" rocks, contain dark colored minerals (Also high temp minerals See Bowen's Reaction Series above) (Pyroxene, Amphibole, Calcium Plagioclase)